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Founder of Radical & Lead Pastor of McLean Bible Church

Don’t underestimate the part you can play in the Great Commission. I can’t commend enough to you The Go Fund what they are doing to help eliminate this problem of student debt and free up an army to take the gospel to the nations.

Founder/CEO, The Master’s Program

Jesus left his church with an assignment, and said He would come back when we finished the task. The list of unengaged, unreached people groups is shrinking; strategic projections anticipate that the Great Commission will finally be fulfilled in this generation. The last missionary - who will penetrate the final ethno-linguistic group who has waited 2000 years to hear the Gospel - is alive, today. What if that missionary has been stalled or diverted by college debt that is hindering the fulfillment of God's eternal plan? The Go Fund is providing the catalyst that is unleashing prime candidates to the Kingdom's front-lines; it's one of our best Eternal investments!

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Executive Director, The Traveling Team

Pastors go to seminary but missionaries go to college. It’s an honor for the church to help support both. The marketplace is the last open door to many of the unreached peoples in the world and students who care about the nations are taking this university pathway, fully aware of the cost. I am thrilled to finally see the GO Fund become a reality and stand alone to tackle the student debt that delays our most capable workers from their mission field. With 28 workers sent out already, I believe The Go Fund is just getting started!

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U.S. Director, Christar

Over the years we have had workers in the field of medicine who have been able to serve among the least-reached because of the assistance of MedSend. Until now, there has been nothing for “all the others”—those in other fields of training who equally have a passion for God and making his glory known among nations, but who also have educational debt. In the last few years we have been blessed to have more workers able to move forward in their calling because of The Go Fund’s partnership! Join with us in thanking God for this program!

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Founder, Radius International

I have known Luke Womack for over 10 years and seen his vision grow from an idea into a reality! Today, serious (NOT casual) individuals who desire to take the gospel where it has never gone before can come out of college with debt and NOW have a way to see that ‘ball and chain’ cut off their ankle. Debt has stopped too many potential laborers. The Go Fund is serious about the Great Commission and is uniquely positioned to partner with Radius International in seeing competently trained workers able to get to the field, and stay on the field. I appreciate the ministry of The Go Fund greatly and even more the be very deliberate about their efforts and not ‘waste’ the resources God is sending their way. The Go Fund is effective and focused, in contrast to much of what is happening in missions today. We here at Radius International are glad to be partnering with them and encourage you to do the same.

Send Missionaries to the Unreached